Project title: " Transforming the KosovoandAlbanianEducationSystem by introducingDigitalTechnology in teachereducation” - TKaAEDiTE
Brief description and objectives of the project:
The project is financed by the EU and implemented by the UP Faculty of Education, in cooperation with Oulu University (Finland), Linnaeus University (Sweden), NTNU University (Norway), Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (Kosovo), the Kosovo Agency for Accreditation (Kosovo), the Polytechnic University of Tirana (Albania), the University of Tirana (Albania), UkshinHoti University (Kosovo), UBT College (Kosovo) and the organization "Meso online" (Kosovo).
The overall objective of the project is the transformation of the entire Educational System in Kosovo and Albania through the transformation of the learning path related to ICT courses.
During the project it is aimed to:
- Redesigning the entire learning path of ICT subjects in pre-university education.
- Learning ICT from the first grade of elementary school.
- Preparing teachers to reflect changes in pre-university subjects.
- Creating the profile of teachers with adequate digital competences.
- Creation of digital learning materials
- Creation of a new program in the Faculty of Education at the University of Pristina (Education and Technology).
Duration: The project starts implementation in 2023 and ends in 2026