Project name: Development of Master in Leadership, Innovation, Evaluation, and Quality in Education
The project is funded by Erasmus Mundus Joint Master degree programme with the aim of setting the stage for launching a Joint Master Programme in Leadership, Innovation, Evaluation and Quality in Education (LIEQE) by the following consortium:
University of Prishtina (Kosovo),
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia),
University of Tallinn (Estonia), and
University of Warsaw (Poland).
This project aims to address the priority of designing a new, innovative, high-level integrated transnational study programme at the Master level that will reflect in internationalising the field of education within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) as an under-represented thematic area, integrating labour-market relevant topics and modules in education studies into an inclusive programme that goes beyond education policy and school management, increasing the focus on international comparisons and cross-national policy transfers for (global) education innovation and change, linking teacher education institutions and school development at the local, national, regional, European, and international level (generally), and developing a research/evidence-based education improvement. The designed Master’s programme LIEQE will prepare future education leaders and innovators that, through an evidence-based approach, will manage and improve education quality in response to societal changes. Hence, the wider goal is that LIEQE will prepare education practitioners that will transform education beyond the boundaries of national contexts.
Duration: The project started implementation in 2022 and ends in 2023
- 7.2.2025, Vendim për obligimin e njësive akademike për dërgimin e propozimeve në Rektorat, të programeve të akredituara dhe ato në proces
- Vendim mbi kohëzgjatjen e afatit për përfundimin e studimeve për studentët e nivelit të studimeve baçelor, master dhe doktoratë
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- Lansohet “EduForum” – Revista e parë profesionale për mësimdhënës në Kosovë!