KICER 2022
KICER 2022
KICER 2022 was organized by the Institute for Research and Development in Education within the Faculty of Education at the University of Pristina. The conference was held on 10 and 11 June 2022. The main theme of the conference was "Promoting an evidence-based approach to education in a changing context". The conference focused on five specific sub-themes.
• Educational policy and reform: This sub-theme focused on educational policy and reform that have an impact on education. Strategies and steps needed to improve the education system and address current challenges in the field of education were reviewed.
• School autonomy, culture and development: In this sub-theme, school autonomy and the role of culture in its development were discussed. The issues related to the creation of a suitable learning environment, the cooperation between the actors of the school and the change of the school culture in order to achieve successful development were addressed.
• Teachers' practice, identity and professional development: In this sub-theme it was discussed about the role of teachers in education and the development of their professional identity. Strategies and good practices to improve teaching and teacher professional development were addressed.
• Motivation, competencies and student performance: This sub-theme focused on the importance of motivation, developing competencies and achieving high student performance. Methods and strategies to promote student motivation, develop their competencies and achieve the desired performance in the context of education were examined.
• Education and intervention in early childhood: In this sub-theme, issues related to education and intervention in early childhood were addressed. Methods and good practices were discussed to ensure a successful start for children on their education path.
Click here to download the agenda.
After the end of the Conference, all the abstracts of the papers that were presented were published in the Book of Abstracts, which you can download here.
Other KICER 2022 links:
Call for abstracts:
Posts on social networks:
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