KICER 2023
KICER 2023
KICER 2023 is organized by the Faculty of Education on June 9 and 10, 2023 with the aim of providing new scientific knowledge and practices to improve the quality of education in Kosovo. The topic addressed in this edition of the conference is "Development of research and educational practices in competency-oriented educational systems".
KICER 2023 aims to address key issues in the field of educational research and pedagogical practices, with a special focus on improving educational systems oriented toward the development of competencies. The conference aims to encourage the exchange of ideas and experiences between researchers, practitioners, pedagogues and education professionals, focusing on innovation and the use of advanced methods in educational research and practice.
Through presentations, discussion panels, workshops and plenary sessions, KICER 2023 offers a platform to get acquainted with the latest studies in the field of educational research and successful practices in educational systems oriented towards the development of competencies. Researchers and practitioners from Kosovo and other countries presented their results of research and practices, sharing with the present public the findings, challenges and successes in improving the quality of education.
To download the agenda:
Call for abstracts:,6,1685
Posts on social networks:
For the Book of Abstract click here.
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